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Monday, 22 October 2012

Everyone is capable of change

I regularly receive comments whilst at work that I am "too optimistic" or hear expressions of surprise that I'm trying to motivate or influence behaviour change in an individual that "isn't interested" or who "will never change."

Its easy to find ourselves in a position where this is the prevailing attitude; we let stereotypes get in the way and lose sight of the individual in front of us.

Everyone is capable of change.  And not only this, everyone is capable of change all of the time.  For some this will be relatively straightforward, others will require encouragement from those they trust, aspire to or who they respect.

Without realising it we can so easily de-motivate individuals and reinforce their lack of belief in change.  Then when they do not make the progress we would expect of them, it reinforces our own beliefs in that person and their "lack of interest" to change.

I have copied the text below from a blog by Katie Slack (MI training today) because its sentiment is so true:

It comes down to the question, will we choose to be judgemental and take a harsh stance with our clients about their lack of progress towards change...Or will we stand with them - where they are in the moment - and have compassion for their struggles, while still gently challenging them with the question "What do you want to do now?"

If the people we are involved with hear our lack of belief in them, where do they draw inspiration from then?

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