There are so many opportunities to influence positive behaviour or lifestyle change. However in order to take advantage of them we need to be able to see that they exist, have the skills to maximise the opportunity and have the belief that our intervention can be effective.
After 8 years of working as a specialist nurse in this area, specifically in relation to substance misuse, I believe passionately in the value of interventions aimed at influencing people to make positive lifestyle changes. Indeed I could now list so many examples of this that it surprises me how resistant other practitioners can be when it comes to encouraging them to provide this support.
This blog will illustrate the power that these interventions can have as well as the many opportunities that are constantly available for applying them.
Thoughts on how to influence and support positive behaviour / lifestyle change. This blog will typically focus on substance misuse (alcohol and other drugs) though many of the principles apply to all aspects of lifestyle change.
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