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Sunday, 21 October 2012

People come to believe what they hear themselves saying

People come to believe what they hear themselves saying...every opportunity we have to influence positive behaviour change should have this sentiment in mind.

A person's belief is far more powerful than any truth or advice that we can impart.  Influencing behaviour change will always be more effective if a person genuinely believes that they can (begin) to make changes to their life. We have a responsibility to foster personal belief and invest time in ensuring that the messages we give reinforce this in the peron we are talking to.

In its simplest form this can be asking a few questions about a persons lifestyle and LISTENING to their answers. It may mean offering basic advice or providing information on how to access specialist support. Sometimes it can take the form of an extended intervention with an individual.

However the underlying message has to be of optimism and positivity. If patients/clients/individuals hear negative messages from the person providing advice this will in most cases simply reinforce the status quo and reduce the chance that behaviour change will occur.


  1. Agree. I am a firm believer that any drive for behavioural change has to come from within a person. However, if you do not want to "do it" for yourself (whatever that may be), it's very difficult for somebody else to instil in you the need to make any changes - as you don't deem them necessary.

    I am no expert (by any stretch of the imagination) but as I see it, often a person needs to "hit the bottom", and even bounce along a bit, before they realise they need to change - and they work up from there. At this point the investment of time, effort and encouragement is likely to be most effective.

  2. Even people who do not want to make changes can be positively influenced by being provided with accurate, personalised and non-judgemental advice. Sometimes people have to "hit the button" however this scenario is specific to each individual and many people can be supported to make changes before the "bottom" has been reached. Proactive support can prevent this situation from occurring, thereby empowering individuals in the process.
